Saturday 23 June 2012


This is a little flyer for the workshop I am running next Sunday. 

I realise that in my last post I may have seemed a little overwhelmed by all the beautiful creative things I have to do, I reflected on the post (over analysed, got paranoid, let my brain go into overdrive) and thought I would add a disclaimer that is smeared with head is full but I realise that no I am not working full-time and juggling parenthood, partnerhood and life or even, more challenging, solo parenting and all the rest of it, we aren't undertaking any major life changing project, whilst trying to earn a living and raise an amazing family or even living a life that is unfulfilling, dull or threatening. I know that I am very blessed to have such 'weights'  bearing down on me. I think I was just imparting some of my cluttered head space onto you all, trying to sift through and work out where inspiration will come from and how it will manifest.
All this frenzy is also part of working out how my craft can contribute more to our home (financially) and at the moment I am throwing everything at it and it is fun, challenging, terrifying and totally new.

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thank you, thank you for sharing your words, thoughts, feelings. xx